Project 1: Unix utilization
Just have a try.
Basic Project from CS537:
This project will let us to get familar to C. Basically what we want to do is try to implement some commands, i.e. look, across, diff in our own versions.
However, as I try to have a glimpse of the functions here, I come across that the command may differ in various Linux distribution.
e.g. In Ubuntu, Look
will perform a binary search, which will greatly depend on the file. It should be a sorted file.
Smoothly finished the first two.
The third part of this Project is my-diff function, basically it recalls me the rust code in CS110L we implemented beforehand, so this time we will use C to fork the rust code (Haha).
Basically we should pay more attention to Longest Common Subsequence(LCS) algorithm here, just have a try.
The implementation in C takes me a little more time in fact, because the string here is not so easy to be handled with (compared to C++ or Rust), I basically use malloc to help me to do this.
Extra Project from OSTEP:
wcat & wgrep: very easy tasks.
wzip is a little hard for the second test cases, but you can use fgetc to handle this challenge.
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